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​glTF(2.0) Importer / Exporter for 3ds Max®

glTF is a format developed by the Khronos Group 3D Formats Working Group to represent 3D models.
These plug-ins(Import/Export) have the following features


Geometry(Mesh), Shape, Camera, Lights
Format types
gltf+bin, gltf (embedded), glb (binary)
Draco compression supported
3dsMax standard materials (ScaneLine, PBR, Physical, glTF, Arnold)
V-Ray, Corona materials

Pencil+ 4 material 
Object TRS, morph weight, KHR_animation_pointer

Vertex deformation
Skin, Morph

Custom Attributes

Scene, Node, Material (stored in extras)

Geometry, Shape, Camera, Light

Format types
gltf+bin, gltf (embedded), glb (binary)
Draco compression supported
Material to be exported(*1)
3dsMax standard materials (S
caneLine, PBR, Physical, glTF, Arnold)
V-Ray, Corona materials

Pencil+ 4 material 
Object TRS, morph weightt, KHR_animation_pointer
Vertex deformation
Skin, Morph

Custom Attributes

Scene, Node, Material (stored in extras)

*1. Supported material types vary depending on the max version.


Supported 3ds Max version

3ds Max2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025

Release Note

2023-Nov-01 Importer V1.5    Add Rotate Controller Type Selection.

2023-Dec-04 Importer V1.54  Bugs fix.

2023-Dec-04 Exporter V1.43  Bugs fix.

2024-Jan-08 Importer V1.56  Bugs fix.

2024-Jan-08 Exporter V1.44  Bugs fix. Support XRef Scene/Object

2024-Jan-25 Importer V1.57  Bugs fix.

2024-Jan-25 Exporter V1.45  Bugs fix.

2024-Mar-10 Importer V1.58  Add Webp decode

2024-Mar-10 Exporter V1.46  Add Webp encode

2024-Apr-10 Importer V1.60  Bugs fix. Support KHR_animation_pointer

2024-Apl-10 Exporter V1.48  Bugs fix. Support KHR_animation_pointer

2024-May-01 Importer V1.61 Bugs fix.

2024-May-01 Exporter V1.49 Bugs fix.

2024-Jun-01 Importer V1.62 Bugs fix.

2024-Jun-01 Exporter V1.50 Bugs fix.

2024-Dec-08 Importer V1.63 Bugs fix.

2024-Dec-08 Exporter V1.52 Bugs fix.

2025-Mar-04 Importer V1.64 Bugs fix.

2025-Mar-04 Exporter V1.53 Bugs fix. Optimization of Export Mesh

2025-Mar-06 Importer V1.65 Bugs fix.

Price, License

One year License

3ds Max(All version) $80

License term: One year license

Licensed to: One license is valid for one PC. Valid on all 3dsMax installations on the same PC within the license period.

Perpetual License

3ds Max2021 $148

3ds Max2022 $148
3ds Max2023 $148

3ds Max2024 $148

Licensed to: One license is valid for one PC and one Max version.The license is different for each version of 3ds Max. If different versions of 3ds Max are installed on the same PC, one license will only activate one 3ds Max.

Purchase Procedure
The trial period is 2 weeks from the first execution.

Seven days before the end of the trial period, a license entry dialog will appear.

If you wish to continue using the software, click the "Go to Purchase site" button on the license entry dialog, fill in the required information on the order page that opens, and complete the purchase process. After payment is confirmed, a license code will be provided by e-mail.

If the order page does not open after clicking "Go to Purchase site", Contact to

*A PayPal account is required for payment.

Reissue LicensePlease

The license code is dependent on the PC model, so if the PC is replaced, the previous license code will no longer be available on the new PC. If you have replaced your PC, please click here to reissue your license. We will issue you a new license.

Microsoft Defender is preventing files from being downloaded.
Please follow the instructions below to temporarily disable Microsoft Defender.

1.Open Settings on your Windows device.
2.Select Update & Security.
3.Go to Windows Security.
4.Find Virus & Threat Protection and click on Manage Settings.
5.Toggle the switch under Real-time Protection to turn it off.
6.Confirm by clicking Yes.


This application is plug-in software for 3ds Max and is not a stand-alone program. 

All features, functionality and other product specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation.

glTF is a registered trademark of Khronos Group Inc.
V-Ray® and Chaos Corona are registered trademarks of Chaos Software Ltd.

Pencil+® is registered trademarks of P SOFTHOUSE Co., Ltd.

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